Free paper

In New York you can read so much for free. Yes, the best American paper has its home here and will set you back 14 quarters on Sunday, but there is so much more here for free.

Not just the local news like say the Fort Green News I can pick up at the laundromat, but Villiage Voice, The Onion, and local magazines eveyrwhere I step.

Surely I can get a job that pays writing in this town you know.

But thanks for reading this for free.

everything happens there

last night in a meadow on the western edge of Howard county, just off of rt. 97 two deer were necking like innocent teenagers.
it was very precious.

Aint that America

I was at Saturday's Game in Baltimore between the Yankees and Orioles.

I had an 8 dollar standing room only ticket with my cousin.

In the 3rd inning as we were walking from one place we couldn't sit to another place we coulnd't sit I saw something.

A young Chinese boy(2-3), dancing with a young African-American girl(8-10) to a U2 song. On both side of this sware` the families of each were smiling and snapping pictures of this simple and beautiul moment. Only in American can this happen I think. I am pretty critical of America most times, but dammit we do that right. You can't go to China and see that, nor can you go to Africa and see such diverse pictures of social enjoyment.

We got a whole lot to work on here, but man we are special and blessed to have that.

May the groundhog be hacked to bits

That first time each spring it catches you off guard. The sun is out and the degrees are up from where they have been. You indoors and for the first time in a while that doesn't seem like the best side of the door to place yourself.
And you go outside almost hypnotically by the day and its unforeseen beauty. In fact you do not just go outside and breath the air, you go outside and do something active. More than you meant to. You know as you step back inside this is the start of something big, and grand season of you becoming a better person in all of your mind, heart, and body.
Then it snows the next day.
And you are back in the same sorry mind frame.